Friday, April 17, 2009


Well... Today was rather different from other Fridays because we had an hour of extra Psychology class which was really.... Weird, felt as if it was a Saturday.. Yes, who goes to college for classes on Saturday? ME! I'm going to college tomorrow because.. Apparently there will be an Edu Fair hosted by Kuen Cheng Girl's School which is just across the river from MCKL.. Yes, another Edu Fair.. I got my pay today though.. AND today we had the first (was it?) volleyball game! =D It was FANTASTICALLY FUN OVERALL excluding the blazing hot sun which has caused me sunburn all over my neck, arm, and face. Still, I enjoyed volleyball today.

Oh, Natasha if you're reading this... I can't change my way of talking, especially with the Tamil accent.. =) I'll stick with it and you'll have to bear with it.. or get used to it.. Hopefully the latter would be better. *hey c'mon i never complain abt the way u talk*

Now let the pictures do some talking..

Psychology Lecturer........ =_= He's getting lamer and lamer each day.....

My two Shih-Tzu dogs... Posing for the camera..

That's my 7years old Miniature Pincher..

Three of my dogs, the white one loves me more! =D

Today, we had Christian Fellowship........ We started off with some "tangle-up & untangle" game which took some time off the clock.. After that we had worship sessions, and we sang SEVEN songs in a row.. I liked the Boogie Man & Godzilla! =D *don't laugh la*


People, guess what?
This dog of mine below which looks like a Pug after being groomed..

whose neck was spotted STUCK at the door of the cage..
poor thing. =(
After I released him.. He was walking as if he was drugged..
Subsequently, I quickly ran to get the First Aid Kit from my kitchen and applied the yellow colour lotion on his wounds.. There were TWO cuts on his neck..
At first I didn't know he was umm.. Giddy..
I thought he was DYING..
I was so worried until I had tears in my eyes..
Yes, I love my dogs really much.
So after dinner, I went to check on him again with some food..
But drinking helluva water!!! until now..
I think he drank 1.5litre of water already..
Sigh, I hope he'll get better tomorrow.. =(

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